Lauré Lussier
Composer and Sound Artist
Experimental Orchestral
About Lauré Lussier
With an inimitable style and approach to music, Lauré Lussier’s
Experimental Orchestral music is characterized by an amalgamation of tradition and innovation.
Lauré explores aspects of sound texture, timbre, and form, with particular attention to the interaction between acoustic and electronic music.
Out of a conscientious fusion of electroacoustic music and orchestral music imprints, riveting musical works of art of profound originality emerge.
With meticulously crafted immersive atmospheres, listeners are carried on unique sensory and intense journeys, often associated with a cinematic dimension.
Lauré strives to create iconoclastic, surprising and riotous Experimental Orchestral music that is at once beautiful, fascinating, breathtaking, and at times, unfathomable, and shuns artistic approaches that can too easily be reduced to easy categorizations.
Lauré is a signed artist at Adventurous Music, Leipzig, Germany.
He holds two Bachelors of Arts in music, from McGill University and Université de Montréal.
"Your dedication to creating unique cinematic music experiences through Electroacoustic genre and symphonic elements is commendable and inspiring".
London, En.
Musical Works
There might not be a better way to experience Lauré Lussier's music than to feel it through his Albums and collaborations.
If you like Lauré's approach to music and you feel it would fit nicely with your project, let us know and Lauré will be more than happy to have a chat with you!
Le Valseur de Bois
Lauré Lussier's Le Valseur de Bois
Published by Adventurous Music 11.12.23)
It's one of those rare albums that surprises and delights in the most unexpected ways and seems to totally defy categorization.
It includes two tracks of approximately 26 minutes each, representing characters and parts inspired by the dark murder mystery novel of the same name written by Lussier.
With beautifully detailed production, READ MORE
Auteur: silenceandsound - Roland Torres
Date: décembre 22, 2023
Catégorie: chroniques
Étiquettes : 2023, adventurous music,
Tenter de décrire la musique de Lauré Lussier relève de la gageure, tant son univers est riche et foisonnant, épique et surprenant, déconnexion totale garantie.
Avec Le Valseur de Bois, l’artiste canadien nous transporte dans un conte des milles et une nuits, où les transitions se font changeantes et surprenantes, électro-acoustique, post-classique, musique concrète, expérimentations transversales, se donnent la main pour donner vie à ce titre hypnotique.
[...] "We are writing because Bruce played Lauré Lussier's album on Grey Clay Radio. It is one of the best albums we have heard this year. We loved it.
If you get a chance, please tell Lauré he is brilliant!
Randolph, TWW!N, ∞ꈤ3
Pelléas & Mélisande
Auteur: silenceandsound - Roland Torres
Date: mars 15, 2024
Catégorie: Articles
Étiquette : 2024, adventurous music,
Lauré Lussier
Pelléas & Mélisande
(Adventurous Music)
Puisant son inspiration dans la pièce de Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), Pelléas & Mélisande, Lauré Lussier construit autour de cette histoire d’amour impossible, une bande son étrange et envoûtante, où les mots se transforment en non-dits, et où les passions flottent tels des fantômes à la corporalité invisible.
Les arrangements post-modernistes font appel à une forme de classicisme avant-gardiste
Pelléas & Mélisande by Lauré Lussier is an interpretation of the play by Maurice Maeterlinck. This is an adventure for the senses! Rightly released on Adventurous Music.
Grey Clay Radio, 03.03.2024
"I was so excited when this came out. I love it!! The richness of voice and your beautiful sound are so evocative I get very happily lost in it. I played it on repeat at home for days when I first received it! Congratulations on another superb release".
Bruce, Grey Clay Radio
"It’s such a wonderful release, I wish I had time to be able to play it all, but I hope it inspires people to delve deeper into your music".
Dark Train, FM 105
Trans(Dis)figured Waltzes
Auteur: silenceandsound - Roland Torres
Date: mai 15, 2024
Catégorie: Articles
Étiquette : 2024, adventurous music,
Lauré Lussier
Trans(Dis)figured Waltzes
(Adventurous Music)
Donnez à Lauré Lussier un challenge musical et il vous surprendra de par son approche résolument iconoclaste, où la simplicité côtoie la complexité en toute impunité.
Avec Trans(Dis)figured Waltzes, le compositeur nous fait traverser des paysages aux carillons cristallins et aux accordéons de série Z, invitation à la métamorphose permanente du monde et à ses pas en trois temps.
Strange Recital
Lauré Lussier - Strange Recital
Released: May 20
Aural textures combined with spoken word always make for a fascinating listening experience, if for no other reason than the lyrical message. But on Strange Recital, Lauré Lussier takes these spoken words and twists, mutates, and spins them until the become a texture all themselves. Haunting bits of poetry fill the ether with all kinds of haunting auras while being accompanied by more classical elements. The opener of this short(ish) album "Vieux Piano" starts this off with a gentle bit of keys that almost immediately lead into pitch-shifted and gently distorted vocals of two voices reading out the same poem.
Strange Symphony
Auteur: silenceandsound - Roland Torres
Date: août 19, 2024
Catégorie: Articles
Étiquette : 2024, adventurous music,
Lauré Lussier
Strange Symphony
(Adventurous Music)
Lauré Lussier surprend à chaque nouvelle sortie, composant des albums aux atmosphères imprévisibles, à l’image de Strange Symphony, plongée dans l’univers d’un orchestre symphonique amoureux de tensions électrocutées et de mélodies attachées avec force, dans notre contemporanéité.
Les couches se superposent et défient toute forme de logique, donnant naissance à un amalgame élastique, où guitares électriques, synthétiseurs eighties et arrangements milléniaux flirtent avec un classicisme expérimental que n’aurait pas renié un Frank Zappa.
Radio Scrapbook
Lauré's Experimental Orchestral music and sound artistry have enchanted listeners in Europe, Canada and the U.S. on various radio shows.
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
Grey Clay Radio, UK
Grey Clay Radio, UK
FEATURED ALBUM on grey clay
at 5pm GMT daily.
Lauré Lussier's phenomenal release, 'Le Valseur de Bois' on Adventurous Music
No Shit Radio, UK
Grey Clay Radio, UK
03.03.2024 Pelléas & Mélisande by Lauré Lussier is an interpretation of the play by Maurice Maeterlinck. This is an adventure for the senses! Rightly released on Adventurous Music.
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
CITR - Discorder Magazine
101.9 FM
Grey Clay Radio, UK
15 March 2024 Broadcast Preview.
MARCH 14, 2024
CITR’s 24 Hours of Radio Art in a snack sized format. Dark Ambient. Drone. Field Recordings. Noise. Sound Art. Or something.
Friday afternoon’s broadcast features Michael Vincent Waller, Simina Oprescu, Ben Frost, Scanner, Colonial Skyway, Chelidon Frame, plus new music from Quebec sound artists Lauré Lussier and Nimalan Yoganathan.
(Photo Credit: Panospria)
Grey Clay Radio, UK
Skylarking - Adventurous Music Anniversary Mix by Tak Tent Radio
feat. music by Myrkrid, Wilhelm Schroeder & Signalstoerung, Audible Masticators & Krummhörens Kuhlen, Malady Of Knots & Relay Station, Disorganism & Sunken Lanes, Sylvia Din & Human Head, Ratkiller & Eleonora Kampe, Fisternni, Lauré Lussier & Saintes.Glaces, Digitalsakura, Tulpa Twin & Precenphix and is curated by Shane Quentin.
CITR - Discorder Magazine
101.9 FM
Grey Clay Radio, UK
New additions
24.05.2024 Strange Recital - the latest release by Lauré Lussier on Adventurous Music - inspired by the poem cycle of the same name by Canadian poet Émile Nelligan.
This evening’s broadcast features EVA SAJANOVA / DOMINIK SUCHY, PURPLE CROW / SCOTT LAWLOR, LAURE LUSSIER, and at-on.
Tercera vía - Mesa revuelta - 02/03/24
Un programa sin un camino marcado de antemano. Músicas de todo tipo y condición con un denominador común: una intangible capacidad de evocar y conmover.
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
Excellent new radio show by Malady Of Knots feat. music by Disorganism, Lauré Lussier, Sunken Lanes, Death Tape Super Bass and many more:
Cover Image by Malady Of Knots
Dark Train, FM 105, UK recommends
two new episodes of Dark Train radio show by Kate Bosworth feat. music by Road To Saturn, Lauré Lussier, Luiz Ser Eu, Delam, Karen Vogt and many more:
Playing Fridays 7pm and Mondays 5am (GMT) at
or on
feat. music by Road To Saturn, Elias Zorn, Audible Masticators, MichaAngi, INYAN, Lauré Lussier and is curated by Signalstoerung
Spectra Sonic Sound
The excellent Spectra-Sonic Sound show feat. music by Katy Coxwell, Lauré Lussier, Acid Mother Reynolds, Heavy Cloud, Delam and many more:
Toutes les œuvres de Lauré Lussier seront ajoutées à la programmation de l'émission quotidienne «La Voûte Singulière sur RQI».
Radio Québec International (RQI) est une station de radio Internet (webradio) mise en ligne à l'été 2016. Elle a pour objectifs, la promotion et la diffusion des artistes québécois qui ont contribué en sons, en paroles et en musique, à notre patrimoine musical universel.
Loin des objectifs des stations Top 40, RQI se veut différente dans sa programmation car, elle cherche non seulement à divertir, mais également initier ses auditeurs à une diversité d'oeuvres trop souvent oubliées dans notre mémoire collective.
À cet effet, RQI diffusera l'ensemble des artistes et des créateurs québécois (connus et méconnus) qui ont fait carrière tant au Québec qu'à l'étranger. De plus, afin de soutenir et de promouvoir cette culture en plein essor, RQI accordera une place importante aux artistes de la relève musicale québécoise.
CITR - Discorder Magazine
101.9 FM
CITR’s 24 Hours of Radio Art in a snack sized format. Dark Ambient. Drone. Field Recordings. Noise. Sound Art. Or something.
No Shit Radio, UK
Eternal Fusion Radio, UK
Adventurous Music recommends:
Two new episodes of Eternal Fusion by Ian feat. excellent music by Hendekagon, Road To Saturn, Katy Coxwell, INYAN, Mnsr Cnnrd, Lauré Lussier, Fail & Hendekagon, Poppy H, Wojtek Kiwer and many more:
details via:
Image by Eternal Fusion
Excellent new radio show by Bepi Crespan for CiTR Vancouver feat. music by .at/on, Lauré Lussier, Negativland, Gydja, and many more:
Playlist 16.05.24
Cozy Powell - Dance With the Devil
Beefus B - Balls of Funk
Fontaines D.C. - Starburster [Radio Edit]
Goat Girl – Motorway
Max Blansjaar - Anna Madonna
Thom Yorke - Prize Giving
Lauré Lussier - Trans(Dis)figured Waltz I
Ruiz! - You
Kinbote - Petrol, Sushi
The gorgeous new mix by Signalstoerung of recent sounds on the amazing Adventurous Music label. Playing 7pm Friday 12th July and 5am Monday 15th July (UK time) then repeated same days and times.
Track List
Ingrid N & Fabio Keiner - Falling Flowers
Lauré Lussier - 2nd Movement Andante
Substak - Endorphin
Poppy H - Scout
Jettenbach & Disorganism - DisJettenism
NStant - we quench our thirst for meaning
Malady Of Knots - Echoes From The House Of The Deaf XIV
Wrecked Sound System #18 National Kitten Day 10th July 2024
(a bit late due to annual leave)
Das Ultra - Work Harder
Kiew - DCdisk (live)
Haujobb - In the Headlights (extended remix)
Ert - Time Turner
Veelargo - Bounce
Anatoly Grinberg & Andreas Davids - Voices from the Future
Vedmy - Хлад
The Creeping Man - Time for Tea
Black Hair Rolled in Dried Blood - From the shadows to the deep
Modernist - people power on the end of the telephone
Fencepost - Catgut VIII
Dicqbeats - Shrek X Shadow the Hedgehog Fan Fiction
Vasectomy Party - Live at the Fork & Spoon 05/18/24
Fragile X - Rudeneja
Mark Hjorthoy - Stimulus Response Programming
Abstract Audio System - Salt Flat Serenade
Lauré Lussier - 4th Movement: Allegretto
Luiz Ser Eu - O poema
The dramatic and emotional new mix by Signalstoerung featuring new sounds from artists on the Adventurous Music label. Playing 7pm Friday 1st November and 5am Monday 4th November (UK time) then repeated same days and times.
Track List
Pink Warm Belly Of A Dying Sun - Glacier Gospel
Luca - Vecteurisation
Cumsleg Borenail - Frankrijk Magdalene Bred
Vacant Possession & Basic Tape Loops - Bluebell Wood Bathing - Seaham Seaglass Stooping
Lauré Lussier - Darkness (feat. Kate Bosworth)
Undocumented Aliens----New World
Pete Swinton----Requiem For
Deborah Fialkiewicz / {AN} EeL----Vixen (edit)
Matt Atkins----Third
Money----4. money (edit)
Alan Courtis----Dortmund Soundwalk (edit)
jliat----no good poppy no good (edit)
Leslie Keffer + Nyoka Shoje----BAYOU VERSION I (edit)
YANN PILLAS----june (edit)
Malady of Knots----a cage of
Free Tala----Specimen
Jo Bled----Soft Fascination-
Piscean Daydreams----Piercing the Veil,
Lauré Lussier----1st Movement - Allegro Ma Non Troppo (edit)
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
the new episode of Dark Train by Kate Bosworth feat. adventurous music by Lauré Lussier & Kate Bosworth, Sven Phalanx, Hypnotic Transmissions, Tokee, Cumsleg Borenail many more:
Image by Dark Train
Dark Train, FM 105, UK
New episode by Bepi Crespan at CiTR Vancouver feat. adventurous music by Lauré Lussier & Kate Bosworth, The Deep Bleed, Cecilia, Kuma and many more:
Image by Bepi Crespan